Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization (THESPO) is a non-profitable organization operated independently of a government; it is an organization that helps incapacitated groups like orphans, children living in a high-risk areas, elders, widows and single parent.

  • THESPO was registered in 2015 with  registration number 00NGO/00007863

  • To help and educate society on how to combat poverty through entrepreneurship
  • To educate the society in order to recognize the groups mentioned above
  • To rebuke and eradicate violence against children, women and elders
  • To educate the society to observe children’s and women’s rights
  • To educate the society on how to protect and prevent themselves from epidemic diseases like cholera and venereal diseases like HIV/AIDS
  • To facilitate provision of education to orphans and children living in  high risk areas
  • To proclaim love and God’s mercy and act as being ordered in a Holy Bible. James 1:27, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."