Thespo organization funding one student


Thespo organization has succeeded to fund one  student in a sewing and laundry college in Kasulu district in Kigoma. Regardless to the economic status its a huge step for this organization , going hand in hand with the motto of the organization.

This show the efforts put in by this organization to help different people to reach their goals . Also we call upon all those who are willing to support our efforts to make a better community.

This is the picture of the student who has currently graduated her sewing and laundry.

Here is the picture of the director of thespo organization and the student.

Here down is the graduate while receiving her certificate.


Also thespo organization arranged a women’s visit to the soap factory in Kigoma region where they learnt how to make soap to help them in raising there economic standards.
Here is the picture of women in the industry learning gow soap is made;

THESPO aiding the needy

On the fifth of January 2020, thespo organization provided aids to elders, orphans, disabled people, widows and children living under vulnerable environment.

The event took place in St. Andrew cathedral Anglican church in Kasulu town. The event took place in the church because most of the sponsors were the very Christians from churches.
  The aids provided included school uniforms, shoes, exercise books, pens, pencils, soap, walking sticks to the elders and also gave a roll of strings special for basket making.

The orphans having received school uniforms and one of the elder
receiving a walking stick.
Distribution of clothes to the needy
THESPO manager Mrs.Olivia Ndahana speaking

THESPO helped three children to record their song

Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization’s director Ms. Olivia Ndahana continued with supporting programs to disabled people. The director assisted three people with sighting disabilities to record songs in studio, mainly centered on caring their wellbeing.

THESPO director and participants recording in studio
The disabled people are Kalebo, Mariam and Jenipha, all from one family managed to record one song titled “Mtoto wa Africa” meaning “African Child”. Through this song, the artists educated a are given regardless of their physical society on knowing and ensuring that the rights of different groups disabilities.

Thespo works hard to help special groups in providing them with education and means of getting income for their welfare as being listed in goals of THESPO. 

THESPO provided a source of economy to three children

Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization’s director Ms. Olivia Ndahana visited three children (Kalebo, Mariam and Jenipha) on 07th November 2019, the children have sighting disability. On the incident THESPO administration being represented by their Director, gave them a pig as their economic source. The three children are from one family in Kasulu Kigoma.

The help stands to let THESPO fulfill one of its goals of combating poverty. To help and educate society on how to combat poverty through entrepreneurship 

Thespo Director Ms. Olivia Ndahana arriving at children’s home

THESPO provided Studying Materials at Kabanga Village

Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization’s director Ms. Olivia Ndahana helped children by providing learning materials; the materials included exercise books, pens and pencils. More over the director supplied open shoes to  them. The aid was provided to children who in one case or another, their parents or guardians have failed to afford for them due to poverty and some are orphans. 
The incident was done at Kabanga Village in Kasulu District.

THESPO Director providing exercise books to children

THESPO Director providing open shoes to children

THESPO Director in a group photo with the children during the occasion 

THESPO provided Food aids to orphans

Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization provided food aids to orphans on 13th September 2019. The event took place at Mwilamvya village in Kasulu, to which THESPO director Ms. Olivia Ndahana gathered orphans from different families and supplied them with food. 

In order to fulfill, humanity and financial capabilities are key players, so we welcome you to join us in helping different groups who lack food, clothes, education due to poverty or other reasons. THESPO does the best daily to support disabled groups including children, elders and widows (just as being shown in our goals).

The Director providing some food aids including maize and beans to orphans

Some of church members helping in distribution of the food supplies to orphans during the incident

THESPO provides education materials to children

Getting a better education is right to any child regardless of disabilities, poverty or any other reasons such as gender discrimination or being an orphan. To support this,  Tanzania Help Elderly and Single Parent Organization has been forward always in providing aids like learning materials and financial supports to different groups that need help.

On 19th May 2019 THESPO administration provided some learning materials to children including those with skin disabilities at Kabanga Village in Kasulu.

THESPO Director providing some learning materials to children at Kabanga village in Kasulu. The material given included excise books, pens and pencils.

THESPO director providing aids to pupils at Mwenge and Mwilamvya primary schools in Kasulu.